Hrithik's stunts in the dry and barren Namibian deserts proved to be more banal than inspiring. His appearance, too good for a man. His display reigned supreme.
Abhishek Bachchan was too comical. His dumb facial expressions, his savorless dialogues and unemotional acting was brought out well by the director. To put it in a box, he was the perfect Comedian of Dhoom2.
Aish, arey baapre, I am not sure why the director exhibited such an undernourished and skinny figure in her. She was dancing in 'Crazy Kiya Re' song as if the next minute she is going to faint. Her face looked a lot aged, and pairing up with Hrithik was not a good shot for her.
Bipasha, woww No words to describe her. A Perfect Girl, seemed very sexy in her bikini, she was real awesome.
Uday Chopra, here too, I have no words to write down here. Totally junk, the term Kadiyan(guy who sucks) suits him too good.
Rimi Sen, just for a small shot, at least she should have been given more dresses than a bath towel.
In breif, the film displayed more personal profiles rather concentrating on what has to be delivered. Lacking solid storyline, monotonous steal-and-dance sequences, Hrithik's ramp walk in slow motion everytime he appears on screen, and Uday's rubbish and lackluster comedies proved too good to make the film flavorless.
DHOOM 2 finally failing to live up to the viewers expectations driving me sad by heart.