Friday, September 29, 2006

Life as a S/W Engineer (Part 1)

It was June 2003 when I was hired as a fresher for Verizon Data Services India. I completed my bachelors by Apr 04 and joined VZ on June 21. Its been a myth sometime before for people moving out of college to work hard in their first job, sacrificing their personal life to earn their bread. Sounds very funny for people like me!!

Cannot be termed as a 9-5 job, no hard-and-fast rules to abide by, no daily reporting to my superiors, and lots and lots of freinds to party with(we 93 freshers joined on the same day), VZ provided the height of flexibility, the place I would call 'A DreamLand'. I never felt i was out of college( i would say i enjoyed more after joining VZ), we had around 40 days of training with 15 days of non-technical stuffs.

Every week, we board a bus to a resort, spend our day playing exciting games, and dance our way through the DJ special Taj dinners. One month, it was absolute heaven!!

Then the real taste of Taj food started, the routine work, with bugs(oh man!!this word sucks) and enhacements(nothing very special about this one too!) to fix up, and toil through various releases, just to earn an annual 5% increment. It was these days that i realized the real power of Living, the need to enjoy the days we live. Whats up just working up, burning midnight oils just to stay through the much-hyped releases(as the offshore people term them) and earning a small peck of the whole world of funds the company gets. Am i really getting what i deserve? Definitely a big No.

Balance(life and work) - the virtue of this word first time realized!!! I would title this as my valuable Enlightment!! I am proud to have experienced this!!

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